THE TORAH PORTION FOR THIS SHABBAT June 5-6, 2020 and an invitation
Mazal Tov – Mazal Bueno to all those celebrating a birthday, anniversary or significant event including graduations and Father’s Day during the Month of June. If we were together at Temple Kol Hamidbar, we would extend a Tallit over you, recite a special prayer for you, and recite the following blessing (cf Num. 6:24-26):
- May the Eternal One bless you and protect you!
- May the Eternal One deal kindly and graciously with you!
- May the Eternal One bestow favor upon you and grant you peace!
KËIN YEHI RATZON (Let it be so!)
Shimon the Righteous used to say: “Al sh’losha d’varim” – on three things the world stands: Torah, worship and acts of loving kindness. [1:2]
Rabban Shimon ben Gamaliel used to say: on three things does the world stand: On justice, on truth and on peace, as it is said: “execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates” (Zechariah 8:16). [1/18]
Between pandemics, social unrest and worldwide events, there are lots of things going on that can discourage and frighten us. One of the lessons in the Talmud is that each of us has a personal responsibility for repairing ourselves and our world. We have neither intermediaries nor those who will do it for us on our behalf. Tikkun Olam depends on us as individuals and communities.
In the Reform Movement, generally, the Parashat for this Shabbat is the second part of “Naso” (נָשֹׂא—Hebrew for “take a census” or “lift up”), which covers Numbers 6:1-7:89.
NASO II – Take a Census – Numbers 6:1-7:89
The Eternal One spoke to Moses, saying: “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: If any men or women explicitly utter a nazirite’s vow, to set themselves apart for the Eternal, they shall abstain from wine and any other intoxicant.” – Numbers 6:1-2
- The obligations of a nazirite vow are explained. They include abstaining from alcohol and not cutting one’s hair. (6:1-21)
- God tells Moses how to teach Aaron and his sons the Priestly Blessing. (6:22-27)
- Moses consecrates the Sanctuary, and the tribal chieftains bring offerings. Moses then speaks with God inside the Tent of Meeting. (7:1-89)
We recite MI SHEBËRACH for the victims of brutality, abuse, fear, natural disasters, pandemics, violence, and war; for all those in need of physical, emotional and mental healing. “R’fuah sh’lëmah” – a complete recovery!
We say KADDISH YATOM for those of our friends and families who have died and been buried this last week; those in the period of Sh’loshim (30 days since burial); those who have died in the last year; and those whose Yahrzeits/Anyos occur at this time; as well as the victims of brutality, disease, natural disasters, war and violence. We remember, too, those victims of the Shoah (Holocaust) who died at this time of year and have us to say “Kaddish” for them. “Zichronam liv’rachah” – May their memories be for blessing.
If you can, please join us online this evening:
Topic: Erev Shabbat Service
Time: Jun 5, 2020 07:00 PM Arizona
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Meeting ID: 725 1050 0854
Password: 4NrMk0
Shabbat Shalom – Buen Shabbat!